Fresh Air DVD

Fresh Air DVD

In his book Fresh Air, popular teacher and biblical scholar Jack Levison aims to do nothing less than clarify 2,000 years of confusion on the topic of who the Holy Spirit is, what holy spirit does, and why it all matters. In this accompanying DVD presentation, Jack takes viewers through Fresh Air, providing 2–4 minutes of introduction and insight into each chapter:

Job's Pledge
Daniel's Discipline
Simeon's Song
Joel's Dream
Chloe's Complaint
Ezekiel's Valley
Jesus' Test
Peter's Praise
“His excitement is infectious; he tells a great story; he sets little-known biblical passages on fire and drills down to unimagined depths in well-known ones. His account of the holy spirit—and what the spirit can do for whole churches, not just individuals!—is mature, seasoned, challenging, and wise.” —N.T. Wright, on Fresh Air

Fresh Air DVD